"Take the Pledge" Campaign
The campaign’s objective is to start a nationwide, grassroots effort to ask elected representatives and candidates for public office (initially in the U.S. Congress, the Executive Office, and declared presidential candidates) to Take the Pledge now. Many of them are on the campaign trail.
The campaign began in 2022 with a written request sent via email, fax, or USPS to virtually every member of the 117th Congress. The campaign continued in 2023 with a similar request sent to virtually every member of the 118th Congress and every declared presidential candidate. For congressional members being titled “The Honorable” the response rate was pathetic but not zero.
Since contact via email, fax, or USPS resulted in such a poor response a 1.500-mile campaign journey throughout New York State to hand-deliver the pledge to a district offices of the state’s two senators and 26 members of the house commenced on July 6, 2023 and concluded on July 21, 2023. See Pledge Database for dates.
The press release following this campaign resulted in a significant increase to visits to this website – so someone is looking!
If you attend a political meeting or rally, or casually meet your elected representative or candidate for public office on the street, ask them if they have “Taken the Pledge.”
Details will follow as the campaign develops. Let us know if you are interested in helping or have any thought

Politicians Honor Code Completes 1,500-mile Journey to an Office in Every Congressional District in New York State