Honor Code and Pledge
Politicians Honor Code
The Politicians Honor Code (Code) is a social contract that contains a set of rules and/or principles that candidates for public office, elected representatives, and others connected with politics agree to abide by in matters regarding the public and the United States of America. The Code may be amended from time to time.
Rules and Principles of the Code are in matters regarding their constituents and the America people including I will not lie cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.
By taking and properly executing the pledge these candidates, elected representatives, and others affirm, and inform, the public of their agreement to abide by the Politician’s Honor Code.
Please download the pledge and give it to your candidates for public office and your elected representatives, Or, contact us and we will send it on your behalf.
The Pledge


Request to Take the Pledge
The following letter is first being sent via email, website, or the post office to all declared and presumptive candidates and elected representatives in the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government. In cases where a website limited the number of characters, the letter was shortened to meet the limitation. See the Pledge Database for those who have been sent the letter and their status. Additional names will be added as more letters are sent. Municipal government will follow.
Dear XXX:
I am writing to ask that you set the “Tone at the Top” by abiding by the Politicians Honor Code and “Taking the Pledge.” The “Take the Pledge Campaign” is a new nationwide, grassroots initiative for presumptive and declared candidates for public office and elected representatives to pledge that they will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. The Pledge is made to one’s constituents and the American people in matters affecting them. The Pledge is similar to codes or concepts of honor at our federal service academies, West Point, and the Naval, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine academies.
Allegations of lying, cheating, and stealing made by members of one political party towards another and within parties dominate our daily political discourse and are seen in the media, congressional hearings, and the U.S. Department of Justice. Too many candidates and elected representatives continue to play a leading role in creating this discourse and dividing our republic. They are damaging relationships and communities, and they are tearing apart our country.
We know candidates and elected representatives have a First Amendment right to lie, and many of them avail themselves of this right. They never told us that they would not lie. And we, as a country, have never told them as our representative not to lie. That is, until now. This letter informs you that we do not want any presumptive or declared candidate for public office or elected representative to lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do, as those terms are defined in the Honor Code. We request that you take this Pledge. By doing so, you will be demonstrating your commitment to abide by the Honor Code and setting the tone at the top for others to follow. The Pledge and additional information can be found at www.politicianshonorcode.com.
As an elected representative we expect you to take the Pledge and abide by the Honor Code. Please take and properly execute the Pledge and return it as instructed, so we can record it in our database and our fellow Americans will see your commitment to honor. We hope one day most Americans will say to our elected representatives what we say to members of our armed forces, with gratitude, “Thank you for your service!”
Most respectfully,